
2021年7月14日—暢銷香港歷史讀本《香港簡史》中譯版再次問世,由香港大學歷史系教授高馬可(JohnM.Carroll)梳理香港百多年的足跡,一探香港故事的前世今生。,PrincipalLecturer.JOHNCARROLL.ChairandChiefExaminer,MAinHongKongHistory.BAOberlin;MAIowa;PhDHarvard ...,JohnCARROLL(PhD,HarvardUniversity)isPrincipalLecturerintheDepartmentofHistoryattheUniversityofHongKong,wherehedirectstheMAprogramme ...,JohnCarr...

香港簡史(A Concise History of Hong Kong)

2021年7月14日 — 暢銷香港歷史讀本《香港簡史》中譯版再次問世,由香港大學歷史系教授高馬可(John M. Carroll)梳理香港百多年的足跡,一探香港故事的前世今生。

Prof. John Carroll

Principal Lecturer. JOHN CARROLL. Chair and Chief Examiner, MA in Hong Kong History. BA Oberlin; MA Iowa; PhD Harvard ...

John Carroll

John CARROLL (PhD, Harvard University) is Principal Lecturer in the Department of History at the University of Hong Kong, where he directs the MA programme ...

A Concise History of Hong Kong

John Carroll's engrossing and accessible narrative explores the remarkable history of Hong Kong from the early 1800s through the post–1997 handover, ...

The Hong Kong–China Nexus

2023年3月3日 — John M. Carroll teaches courses on the history of Hong Kong, British imperialism, museums, and tourism in the Department of History at the ...

A Concise History of Hong Kong (Critical Issues in World ...

... Hong Kong, by John Carroll, and I've learned a lot. The book was written with the general public in mind and is not full of technical and historical details ...

John Carroll

John M. Carroll是香港大學文學院的副院長,亦是歷史學系教授。他在佛羅里達州、台灣和香港成長。其後,於歐柏林學院獲得文學士學位,以及在愛荷華大學榮獲碩士學位。此後 ...


高马可(John M. Carroll,1961年—),香港历史学家,香港大学首席讲师, ...


高馬可(John M. Carroll,1961年—),香港歷史學家,香港大學首席講師, ...